Fiona Greenland
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fiona-greenland
CURIA Lab: www.curialab.org
On Leave. In 2024-25, Professor Greenland is a Senior Fellow in Residence at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Universität des Saarlandes.
Research Interests: Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Art, Historical and Comparative Methods, Social Theory, Archaeology
Fiona Rose Greenland is Associate Professor of Sociology, and of Anthropology (by courtesy). Through 2024 she is Principal Investigator on the Conflict Observatory Ukraine's cultural atrocities investigations team, a program funded by the US Department of State.
Her work focuses on the role of art and artifacts in political conflict and social ties, and she builds on theories and methods from cultural policy, cultural sociology, and mixed methods analyses. Ruling Culture (Chicago, 2021), her monograph on tomb robbing in Italy, was awarded the Mary Douglas Prize for Best Book in Culture from the American Sociological Association. Other recent publications include Cultural Violence and the Destruction of Human Communities (with Fatma Müge Göçek, Routledge, 2020), as well as articles in Theory & Society, Sociological Theory, and American Journal of Cultural Sociology.
Prof. Greenland is founder and co-director of the Cultural Resilience Informatics and Analysis Lab (CURIA), which has built a dynamic and diverse team of researchers to pursue research and public engagement in cultural heritage policy, security, and repair. She has also served as an elected council member of several sections of the American Sociological Association, and holds multiple external fellowships, including a current year-long position (2024-25) at the University of Saarland’s Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE).
UVA Affiliations
- Associate Professor of Anthropology (by courtesy)
- Senior Faculty Fellow, Office of the Vice President for Research
- Associate Faculty, Global Commerce in Culture and Society (web site) [https://globalstudies.as.virginia.edu/global-commerce-culture-society]
- Founder and Director, CURIA Lab (web site) [curialab.org]
- Member, Faculty Steering Committee, Quantitative Collaborative
Selected Publications
2021. Greenland, F.R. Ruling Culture: Art Police, Tomb Robbers, and the Rise of Cultural Power in Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
2020. Greenland, F.R. and F.M. Göçek (eds.), Cultural Violence and the Destruction of HumanCommunities: New Theoretical Perspectives Communities: New Theoretical Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Articles (Full list available upon request.)
2021. Whitaker, A. and F.R. Greenland. "Theory of an Art Market Scandal: Artistic integrity and financial speculation in the Inigo Philbrick case,” American Journal of Cultural Sociology doi.org/10.1057/s41290-021-00134-1
2020. Greenland, F.R. “Long-range continuities in comparative and historical sociology: the case of parasitism and women’s enslavement,” Theory and Society 48(6): 883-902. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11186-019-09370-4
2020. Greenland, F.R. and G. Steinmetz. “Orlando Patterson, his work, and his legacy: a special issue in celebration of the republication of Slavery and Social Death,” Theory and Society 48(6): 785-797. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11186-019-09371-3
2019. Greenland, F.R. “New insights into the antiquities market,” International Journal of Cultural Property 26(3): 211-225.
2019. Greenland, F.R., J.V. Marrone, O. Topçuoglu and T. Vorderstrasse. “A Site-Level Market Model of the Antiquities Trade,” International Journal of Cultural Property 26(1): 21-47.
2018. Greenland, F. "Materiality and Consecration," American Behavioral Scientist https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764218801063
2018. Greenland, F. "Broadening the Landscape of Blackness," Contexts 17(3): 8-9.
2018. Greenland, F.R. "Material culture and the problem of agency, "American Journal of Cultural Sociology. doi: 10.1057/s41290-017-0054-6.
2018. Greenland, F.R. “Consecration and materiality,” American Behavioral Scientist doi: 10.1177/0002764218801063
2017. Greenland, F.R. "Freeports and steel containers: The corpora delicti of artefact trafficking," History and Anthropology 1: 15-20.
2016. Greenland, F.R. “Universalism, Nationalism, and the Italian Model of Repatriation” Brown Journal of World Affairs, 26(1).
2016. Rose-Greenland, F. “Color Perception in Sociology: Materiality and authenticity at the Gods in Color show.” Sociological Theory 34(2): 81-105.
2016. Hirschman, D., E. Berrey and F. Rose-Greenland. “Dequantifying diversity: affirmative action and admissions at the University of Michigan.” Theory and Society 45(3): 265-301.