Colloquium Seminar on Sociological Issues - Spring 2015
Spring 2015 Colloquia
All Colloquia are held 3:30-5:00 pm with Reception to follow unless otherwise noted*. Locations listed below.
Schedule subject to change.
View more info on our Events page.
January 22, 3:30pm
Eva Illouz, President, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, and Professor of Sociology, Hebrew University
Why is Intimacy Replete with Uncertainties?
Nau Hall 101
*reception to follow
Part of the Intimacy Lectures Series
February 12, 3:30pm
Shamus Khan, Associate Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
From Cultural Purity to the Cooptation of Culture: Subscribers to the New York Philharmonic in the Gilded Age
Claude Moore G120
*reception to follow at Randall Hall
February 19, 3:30pm
Paula England, Professor of Sociology, NYU
Relationships and Sex Among Young Americans
Nau Hall 101
*reception to follow
Part of the Intimacy Lectures Series
April 9, 3:30pm
Annette Lareau, Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
Unequal Childhoods, Unequal Adulthoods: Small Moments and Large Consequences
Holloway Hall
*reception to follow
Co-sponsored by Field Methods Workshop and Curry School of Education
April 23, 3:30pm
Elizabeth Armstrong, Associate Professor of Sociology & Organizational Studies, University of Michigan
Beyond Rape Culture: Organizational Approaches to Sexual Assault on Campus
Nau Hall 101
*reception to follow
Part of the Intimacy Lectures Series