Colloquium Seminar on Sociological Issues - Spring 2013
Spring 2013 Colloquia
All colloquia are held in DYN 400 3:30-5:30 pm with reception to follow *unless otherwise noted.
Schedule subject to change.
View more info on our Events page.
February 7
Scott Lash, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Learning from China: Sociology vs Neo-Classical Economics
In China Constructing Capitalism: Economic Life and Urban Change (2013), we - drawing on a decade’s research and experience - argue that China‘s is not neo-liberal. Instead there are neo-Daoist and Neo-Confucian routines, which - though they may not have worked for the economy in Max Weber’s time -, are eminently suited to the 21st Century. The relational, embedded forms of economic life and urban property relations China may be closer to Adam Smith’s empiricism (and ethics) than to Weberian rationalism. Neo-liberalism has it basis in neo-classical economics. Carl Menger, one of the founders of neoclassicism was a major influence on Weber in the Methodenstreit at the founding of German Sociology: an influence that still may be dominant in today. Sociology should instead learn from China: it should draw on its own phenomenological routines and neo-institutional political economy (e.g. Ostrom) in a critique of both the neo-classical subject and neo-liberalism.
February 14
Jack Goldstone, Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University,
Director of the Center for Global Policy, and a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution
Democratic Transitions: New Insights from Graphic Analysis
February 21
February 28
Sarah Igo, Associate Professor of History, Political Science & Sociology,
Vanderbilt University
The Beginnings of the 'End of Privacy' in the Modern U.S.
*co-sponsored with IASC - to be held at Watson Manor, reception to follow
March 21
Robin Wagner-Pacifici, Professor of Sociology, New School for Social Research
The Event and the City
*to be held at Watson Manor, reception to follow
March 28
Julian Go, Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University
For a Postcolonial Sociology
April 11
April 25
Master's Colloquium
Kara Fitzgibbon, Sarah Hollaender, Katrina VanBlaircum, Hexuan Zhang