Colloquium Seminar on Sociological Issues - Spring 2012
Spring 2012 Colloquia
All colloquia are held in DYN 400 3:30-5:30 pm with reception to follow *unless otherwise noted.
Schedule subject to change.
View more info on our Events page.
February 9
Reserved for Professional Workshop
February 16
Brad Wilcox, Associate Professor, UVA, Department of Sociology
"When Marriage Disappears: Why Marriage is Disappearing in Middle America, and Why It Matters"
February 23
Alon Confino, Professor, UVA, Department of History
"A World Without Jews: Nazi Germany, Representations of the Past, and the Holocaust"
March 15
Mary Patillo, Professor, Northwestern University, Department of Sociology & African-American Studies
*co-sponsored by Carter Woodson Center
Location: Rouss 403, with reception to follow in Minor Hall Lobby
March 22
Reserved for Professional Workshop
March 29
Linda Blum, Associate Professor, Northeastern University, Department of Sociology
"'Not Some Big, Huge, Racial-Type Thing, But . . .' : Mothering Children of Color with Invisible Disabilities in the Age of Neuroscience"
April 12 (**Note, this date has changed)
Stephen Vaisey, Assistant Professor, Duke University, Department of Sociology
"Cultural Depth and Social Change"
April 19
Master's Colloquium 1
*no reception to follow
April 26
Master's Colloquium 2