Colloquium Seminar on Sociological Issues - Fall 2011
Fall 2011 Colloquia
All colloquia are held in DYN 400 3:30-5:30 pm with reception to follow
*unless otherwise noted.
Schedule subject to change.
View more info on our Events page.
August 25
New Grad Student Reception
September 15
Josipa Roksa, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UVA
"Academically Adrift: Findings and Reflections "
September 22
Reserved for Work in Progress - Murray Milner
September 29
Reserved for Work in Progress - Ben Snyder
October 13
Sarah Damaske, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations & Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University
"For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work"
October 20
Ayse Zarakol, Assistant Professor of Politics, Washington and Lee University
"After Defeat: How the East Learned to Live with the West"
October 27
Reserved for Professional Workshop
November 10
Onoso Imoagene, PhD, Harvard University
"More than Just Black: Identity and Mobility among Second-Generation Africans in the U.S. and U.K."
*Ruffner G004C; co-sponsored by Carter Woodson Center
November 15
Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, PhD Candidate, Duke University
"What's Love Got to Do With It?: Racial Stigma, Affect, and Socialization in Afro-Brazilian Families"
*Newcomb Hall Kaleidoscope Room; co-sponsored by Carter Woodson Center
November 17
Hans Joas, Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago
"The Sacredness of the Human Person: On the Origin of Human Rights"
*3:30 PM at Watson Manor on University Circle; sponsored by IASC, contact Jenny Gladding for more info
**Parking available at Culbreth Garage - no charge.
December 8
Sabrina Pendergrass, PhD, Harvard University, Post-doc Fellow Duke University
"Mason-Dixon Dilemmas: Crossing Regional Boundaries of Race in the Black Reverse Migration to the South"
*10:30 AM at Newcomb Hall Commonwealth Room; co-sponsored by Carter Woodson Center