Alumni Publications
Anderson, Shannon (Ph.D. 2007)
2015, Immigration, Assimilation, and the Cultural Construction of American National Identity Routledge.
Ali, Syed (Ph.D. 2001)
Contexts: Permanent Impermanence (Spring 2010)
Dubai: Gilded Cage. Yale University Press, June 2010.
Arabandi, Bhavani (Ph.D. 2009)
Received Junior Scholar Best Paper Award at the V International Conference on Work and Family in Barcelona, July 2013. The conference called for papers addressing the "management of work, family and personal life in the rapidly changing context of the twenty-first century."
Atkins, Randolph (Ph.D. 2000)
Atkins, Randolph G. and Hawdon, James E., “Religiosity and participation in mutual-aid
support groups for addiction,” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Volume 33, Issue 3,
October 2007, pages 321-331. Available at NIH Public Access
Received Administrator's Innovation Award at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in November 2012. This award was "for notable authorship and exemplary performance of key traffic safety research that contributes to the agency's understanding of the problem of speeding and provides the foundations for new Department of Transportation speeding programs."
Bare, Harold (Ph.D. 1996)
A Month of Sundays, 2008. ISBN: 0981700918
Bibeau, Alana (Ph.D. 2010)
2015. “Interventions During Labor and Birth in the United States: A Qualitative Analysis of Women’s Experiences.” Sexual and Reproductive Health Care 5(4): 167-173.
2015. “Marriage Changes with the Times” (with Helen Mederer and Melanie Brasher).The Providence Journal, August 20.
2006. “The Political is Personal, or, God Bless America.” In Jacobs, Krista, ed. Abortion Under Attack: Women on the Challenges Facing Choice. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.
Bridges, Tristan (Ph.D. 2011)
Forthcoming. “Hybrid Masculinities: New Directions in the Sociology of Men and Masculinities.”Sociology Compass. Co-Authored with Dr. C.J. Pascoe.
2014. “A Very ‘Gay’ Straight?: Hybrid Masculinities, Sexual Aesthetics, and the Changing Relationship between Masculinity and Homophobia.” Gender & Society 28(1): 58-82.
2013. “Issues of Intimacy, Masculinity, and Ethnography.” In Men, Masculinities, and Methodologies, edited by B. Pini and B. Pease. Palgrave Macmillan.
2011. "Engaging Men in the United States: Soft Essentialism and the Obstacles to Coherent Initiatives in Education and Family Policy." Pp. 159-173 in Men and Masculinities around the World: Transforming Men's Practices, edited by E. Ruspini, J. Hearn, B. Pease and K. Pringle. Palgrave Macmillan.
2011. "Masculinity." In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology. Ed. EIC. New York: Oxford University Press.
2010. "Men Just Weren't Made to Do This: Performances of Drag at 'Walk a Mile in Her Shoes' Marches." Gender & Society 24(1): 5-30.
2009. "Gender Capital and Male Bodybuilders." Body & Society 15(1): 83-107.
Campbell, Bradley (Ph.D. 2008)
The Geometry of Genocide, 2015. ISBN 9780813937410
Sociological Forum, Vol. 25, No. 2, June 2010
Cooney, Mark (Ph.D. 1991)
"Ethnic conflict without ethnic groups: a study in pure sociology,"
The British Journal of Sociology 2009 Volume 60 Issue 3
Deutschlander, Denise (Ph.D. 2018)
Roksa, Josipa, and Denise Deutschlander. 2018. Applying to College: The Role of Family Resources in Academic Undermatch. Teachers College Record, 120(6): 1-30.
Deutschlander, Denise. 2017. Academic Undermatch: How General and Specific Cultural Capital Structure Inequality. Sociological Forum. DOI: 10.1111/socf.12322.
Deutschlander, Denise. 2009. Immigration as a Perceived Threat to National Identity: An Austrian Case Study. Nationalities Affairs, 34: 41-63.
Dill, Jeff (Ph.D. 2011)
Hightower, Michael (Ph.D. 2007)
Banking in Oklahoma Before Statehood.
University of Oklahoma Press, 2013.
The Pattersons (a novel). 2 Cities Press, 2012.
“Penn Square: The Shopping Center Bank that Shook the World, Part 1 – Boom.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, vol. XC (1), spring 2012: 68-99.
“Penn Square: The Shopping Center Bank that Shook the World, Part 2 – Bust.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, vol. XC (2), summer 2012: 204-36.
Frontier Families: The Records and Johnstons in American History.
Oklahoma City: Cottonwood Press, 2010.
Inventing Tradition: Cowboy Sports in a Postmodern Age. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Publishing, 2008.
“Willard Johnston: Homesteader and Frontier Banker, 1881-1904.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, 87
(winter 2009-10): 408-31.
“The Businessman’s Frontier: C.C. Hightower, Commerce, and Old Greer County, 1891-1902.”
The Chronicles of Oklahoma, 86 (spring 2008): 4-31.
Hughey, Matthew (Ph.D. 2009)
2012. White Bound: Nationalists, Antiracists, and the Shared Meanings of Race. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
2011. The Obamas and a (Post) Racial America? (w/ Gregory Parks). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
2011. Black Greek-Letter Organizations, 2.0: New Directions in the Study of African American Fraternities and Sororities (w/ Gregory Parks). Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
2010. 12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America (w/ Gregory Parks). New York, NY: The New Press.
2011. “Backstage Discourse and the Reproduction of White Masculinities.” The Sociological Quarterly 52: 132-153.
2011. “Re-membering Black Greeks: Racial Memory and Identity in Stomp the Yard.” Critical Sociology 37(1): 103-123.
2010. “A Paradox of Participation: Nonwhites in White Sororities and Fraternities.” Social Problems 57(4): 653-679.
2010. “Navigating the (Dis)similarities of White Racial Identities: The Conceptual Framework of ‘Hegemonic Whiteness.’” Ethnic and Racial Studies 33(8): 1289-1309.
2010. “The White Savior Film and Reviewers’ Reception.” Symbolic Interaction 33(3): 475-496.
2009. “Cinethetic Racism: White Redemption and Black Stereotypes in ‘Magical Negro’ Films.”
Social Problems 56(3): 543–577.
Kidd, Dustin (Ph.D. 2004)
2014. Pop Culture Freaks: Identity, Mass Media, and Society. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
The book is accompanied by a number of social media resources including a blog ( and a Twitter account (@PopCultureFreak).
2012. “Public Culture in America: A Review of Cultural Policy Debates.” The Journal of
Arts Management, Law and Society 42:11-21.
2012. “’She’d Have Been Locked Up in St. Mungo’s for Good’:
Magical Maladies and Medicine.” In The Sociology of Harry Potter, edited by Jennifer
Patrice Sims and Brittany Nicole Sims. Zossima Press.
2012. “Fire in Our Bellies and Fear in out Arts.” Contexts 11(1):54-55.
2010. Legislating Creativity: The Intersection of Art and Politics. New York: Routledge.
With Christina Jackson. 2010. “Art as Propaganda: Bringing Du Bois into the
Sociology of Art.” Sociology Compass 4/8: 555-563.
2009. “Democratic Practices in Arts Organizations.” The Journal of Arts Management,
Law and Society 38: 296-309.
2007. “Harry Potter and the Functions of Popular Culture.” The Journal of
Popular Culture 40: 70-90.
2004. “Sexual Politics in the Defense of Art.” Research in Political Sociology 13: 79-112.
Kuan, Ping-Yin (Ph.D 1993)
2011. "Effects of Cram Schooling on Mathematics Performance: Evidence from Junior High Students in Taiwan." Comparative Education Review 55 (3): 342-368. (The winner of the 2012 CIES George Bereday Award; the best article published in the Comparative Education Review in 2011).
Marshall, Doug (Ph.D. 2003)
"Temptation, Tradition, and Taboo: A Theory of Sacralization", Sociological Theory 28:1 March 2010
McCoy, Charles (Ph.D. 2013)
"Watching 'Bad' Television: Ironic Consumption, Camp, and Guilty Pleasures." Poetics, Vol. 47: 41-59, December 2014 (with Roscoe Scarborough).
"Moral Reactions to Reality TV: Television Viewers Endogenous and Exogenous Loci of Morality." Journal of Consumer Culture, In-press (with Roscoe Scarborough).
Rutherford, Markella (Ph.D. 2004)
2011. Adult Supervision Required: Freedom and Boundaries in Popular Parenting Advice.
Rutgers University Press.
2011. “The social value of self-esteem: Emotional capital in the reproduction of class privilege” Society.
2011. “Great Expectations: Legitimating Out of Hospital Maternity Care” (w/ Selina Gallo-Cruz)
Social Theory and Health.
2009. "Children’s Autonomy and Responsibility: An Analysis of Childrearing Advice."
Qualitative Sociology 32:4
2008. “Selling the Ideal Birth: Rationalization and Re-enchantment in the Marketing of Maternity Care.” (w/ Selina Gallo-Cruz) In Susan Chambre and Melinda Goldner (eds.) Patients, Consumers, and Civil Society: Advances in Medical Sociology, Vol. 10. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
2004. “Authority, Autonomy, and Ambivalence: Moral Choice in Twentieth-Century Commencement Speeches.” Sociological Forum 19:4; 583-610.
Scarborough, Roscoe (Ph.D. 2015)
Scarborough, Roscoe C., and Charles Allan McCoy. Forthcoming. “Moral Reactions to Reality TV: Television Viewers’ Endogenous and Exogenous Loci of Morality.” Journal of Consumer Culture.
McCoy, Charles Allan, and Roscoe C. Scarborough. 2014. “Watching ‘Bad’ Television: Ironic Consumption, Camp, and Guilty Pleasures.” Poetics47:41-59.
Scarborough, Roscoe C. 2012. “Managing Challenges on the Front Stage: The Face-work Strategies of Musicians.” Poetics 40 (6):542-564.
Scarborough, Roscoe C. 2013. “The Jazz Solo as Ritual: Conforming to the Conventions of Innovation.” Pp.81-90 in Music Sociology: An Introduction to the Role of Music in Social Life, edited by S. T. Horsfall, J. Meij, and M. Probstfield. Boulder CO: Paradigm Publishers.
Scarborough, Roscoe C. 2013. “Lowbrow Entertainment to Highbrow Art Form: The Case of Jazz and Heavy Metal.” Pp. 124-134 in Music Sociology: An Introduction to the Role of Music in Social Life, edited by S. T. Horsfall, J. Meij, and M. Probstfield. Boulder CO: Paradigm Publishers.
Silva, Jennifer (Ph.D. 2010)
2013. Coming Up Short: Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty. Oxford University Press.
*Mirra Komarovsky Book Award, Honorable Mention - 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, February 22, 2014
Silver, Blake (Ph.D. 2017)
Silver, Blake R., and Josipa Roksa. 2017. “Navigating Uncertainty and Responsibility: Understanding Inequality in the Senior-Year Transition.” Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 54(3): 248-260.
Silver, Blake R., and Jakeman, Rick. 2016. “College Students’ Willingness to Engage in Bystander Intervention at Off-Campus Parties.” Journal of College Student Development, 57(4): 472-476.
Jakeman, Rick, Blake R. Silver, and Tracae McClure. 2015. “A Closer Look at Bystander Intervention Behaviors of Off-Campus Party Hosts.” Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 59(3): 7-24.
Silver, Blake R., and Rick C. Jakeman. 2014. “Understanding Intent to Leave the Field: A Study of Student Affairs Master’s Students’ Career Plans.” Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 51(2): 170-182.
Jakeman, Rick C., Blake R. Silver, and William Molasso. 2014. “Student Experiences at Off-Campus Parties: Results from a Multi-Campus Survey.” Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 58(2): 64-85.
Simko, Cristina (Ph.D. 2013)
2015. The Politics of Consolation Memory and the Meaning of September 11 Oxford University Press.
Snyder, Benjamin (Ph.D. 2013)
Snyder, Benjamin H. (2016) The Disrupted Workplace: Time and the Moral Order of Flexible Capitalism. New York, Oxford University Press.
Journal Articles
Snyder, Benjamin H. (2013). From Vigilance to Busyness: A Neo-Weberian Approach to Clock Time. Sociological Theory 31(3):243-266.
Oishi, Shigehiro, Selin Kesebir, and Benjamin H. Snyder (2009). Sociology: A Lost Connection in Social Psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review 13(4):334-353.
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah (Ph.D. 2012)
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah. 2014. “The Influences Affecting and the Influential Effects of Multiracials: Multiracialism and Stratification.” Sociology Compass. 8(1): 63-77.
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah. 2014. “Orange in Black and White: Teaching About Race, Gender, and Sexuality on TV.” The Badass Sociologist: Society for the Study of Social Problems, Teaching Social Problems Newsletter.
Strmic-Pawl, Hephzibah. 2012. “Systems of Inequality- Syllabus” TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology.
Strmic-Pawl, H. & P. Leffler. 2011. “Black Families and Fostering of Leadership.” Ethnicities. 11(2): 139-162.
Westervelt, Saundra (Ph.D. 1996)
2012. Saundra Westervelt and Kimberly Cook. Life after Death Row: Exonerees' Search for Community and Identity. Rutgers University Press.